Grammar Review Workshops

Topics include

Building Compound and Complex Sentences, Conjunctions, Punctuation, Using Correct Verb Tenses, Subject-Verb Agreement, Relative Pronouns, and Participles

Grammar Review Workshops
Date Time Topic Location
Tuesday, Oct. 1
Prof. D’Angelo
Club Hour:
11:30am to 12:45pm
Complex Sentences
(joining complete and incomplete ideas)
Zoom Meeting ID
914 3301 6728
Tuesday, Oct. 8
Prof. Posillico
Evening Activity Hour*
8:30 pm to 9:45 pm
Relative Pronouns
(using which, that, who, whose, whom)
Zoom Meeting ID
935 3128 7725
Tuesday, Oct. 15
Prof. D’Angelo
Club Hour:
11:30am to 12:45pm
Subject-Verb Agreement
(matching subjects and verbs in number)
Zoom Meeting ID
914 3301 6728
Thursday, Oct. 24
Prof. D’Angelo
Club Hour:
11:30am to 12:45pm
The Verb Phrase
(joining helping verbs with main verbs)
Zoom Meeting ID
914 3301 6728
Tuesday, Oct. 29
Prof. Posillico
7:00 pm to 8:15 pm Participial and Absolute Phrases
(using verbs as adjectives)
Zoom Meeting ID
935 3128 7725
Grammar Workshops for ESL Students
Date Time Topic Location
Tuesday, Oct. 8
Prof. Tuzzolino
Club Hour:
11:30 am to 12:45 pm
Parts of Speech and Confusing Words Zoom Meeting ID
445 282 6391
Thursday, Oct. 24
Prof. Tuzzolino
Club Hour:
11:30am to 12:45pm
Practically Perfect Body Paragraphs Zoom Meeting ID
445 282 6391
Tuesday, Oct. 29
Prof. Tuzzolino
Club Hour:
11:30am to 12:45pm
Understanding and Responding 
to Writing Prompts
Zoom Meeting ID
445 282 6391

Use the Grammar Workshop Google Form Sign-Up Sheet to sign up for any of these valuable sessions!

Alternatively, you may call the Writing Center at the number below to register for one of these sessions and supply your information. A confirmation email will be sent to your NCC email address along with the Zoom Meeting ID required to joining the meeting.

  • Phone 516.572.7195 (Monday through Friday 8:00am-3:00pm)
  • email:

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