Carolyn Monastra&Mena Romano

Artists' Reception:Thursday, October 10 from 5-7 PM

More Faculty artworks are in the G Building showcases

Artist’s Statement: The Witness Tree is a photography project about landscapes affected by climate change. From the melting ice of Antarctica to wild fires in Australia, I have targeted locations representing a diversity of natural environments to demonstrate that this is indeed a global epidemic. I am not a photojournalist documenting disasters, nor am I am scientist with charts and graphs. I have approached this project as an artist who cares deeply about the natural world. I am using my camera to honor and draw attention to these precious and precarious environments before they are irrevocably altered. —Carolyn Monastra

Mena Romano artwork


Artist’s Statement: I believe that form without content is empty, content without structure is chaos. My passion for clay began when I was a young child, moving through many explorations of various materials, clay has become my medium of choice for the present time. My clay forms evolve with the development and growth of each piece and are inadvertently influenced by human form and gestures. —Mena Romano

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